I met with some dear friends the other night for a birthday dinner, and I was the gift or birthday surprise. A great honor and privilege when it comes to this particular friend. I greatly admire her and the many obstacles in life I have been there to witness her go through, and see her become the strong women she is today. I definitely admire her boyfriend and hers relationship, and view them to be unique. They complement each other in so many ways, and can really feel a sense of balance within their relationship. They are both supporters of my blog and questioned what topic I would be talking about in my next post, I replied “Co-dependency” within relationships. They were both enthused by the topic and opened up honestly about their past relationship and how co-dependency was an issue. So what makes this relationship they are in now different then the old habits in the past? They courted each other. Neither was too quick to jump head first, they took things slowly, lunch dates, late night phone calls . . . something rare now a days.
Today we are so desperate to jump into the deep end before we even know how to swim, that by the time we figure it out we are exhausted, exuded all of our energy and suffocating. What happen to taking things slowly? In a world where everything is instant with the click of a mouse, fast food, instant coffee, the internet on our phones, we are introduced to a society that not only expects but demands instant satisfaction. We elect a new president on day 1, and disappointed when he doesn’t deliver the “change” he promised by day 2. We want, what we want, when we want it. We are a generation addicted to falling in love, when we haven’t even taken the time to really know what love is.
More to come on Co-dependency, but for now I am taking time to “Stop and smell the roses”.
i wrote a blog in response to this.